It is the time of year to be reflective, to take stock of the past year and what we’ve accomplished while we turn our eyes to the upcoming year and make big plans.  So, as I looked back at 2011 through the lens of what I shared here on the blog, I thought I’d share some of the most popular posts form the year before I turn the page to begin 2012.

My 2011 Top Posts in Chronological Order

  1. The Challenge in Proving ROI in HR
  2. Performance Appraisals Must Die
  3. HR is in Trouble
  4. I am Not a Thought Leader
  5. Three Powerful Words
  6. You control NOTHING.  Get over it.
  7. The Accountability Contagion 

Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.  It’s a treat for me to have the opportunity to share my thoughts here and for others to actually read it.  I am grateful and humbled by you.

Thank you.  And Happy New Year.  I’ll see you 2012.

Jason Lauritsen