Going All In

We spend too much time hedging our bets, playing it safe, having a back up plan.  When we have a decision in our life that’s really important, it seems wise to leave an escape plan, “in case things don’t work out.” Planning is important....

It’s Just a Game

As I watched the first Sunday of NFL football yesterday, I started thinking about the fact that these grown men actually play a game for a living.  They study the game, practice the game, prepare to perform in the game, and condition to perform well in the game....

Disarming the Corporate Bully

My Dad has taught me a lot of important stuff throughout my life: never let anyone compromise your integrity, better to be lucky than good most days, working hard will set you apart, etc.  But, yesterday over a coffee with a friend, I was reminded of one of the...

The Danger in Adding Too Much Value

Some lessons are hard ones to put into actual practice.  I have a project that I’ve been working on the past several months.  One part of this project has been giving me fits.  The harder I worked at the problem and the more creative I tried to...
Jason Lauritsen