An Underutilized Tool for Engaging Employees

Among my first jobs out of college was as a third-party recruiter. At that time, there was no LinkedIn, so your success depended on making cold calls. And, I’m not talking about a just a few—it was 50 to 100 calls a day. In most cases, I was calling a company whose...

The Blindspot in Employee Engagement

A couple years ago, as my wife and I were returning home from an employee engagement conference where I had spoken, she said something to me that I didn’t fully understand at the time. I remember it sounding something like this. “The content here was good,...
Wellness 2.0

Wellness 2.0

About eight years ago, I joined an organization that was pretty serious about workplace wellness. Since the wellness team rolled up to me as the HR leader, I got pretty serious about learning what it was all about quickly. Most of the focus, I learned, was on...

Making the Invisible Visible with ONA

Well over a decade ago, I walked into a session at a conference in Tucson, Arizona. I wasn’t sure exactly what the session was going to be about, but it sounded interesting. The presenter was a professor at the University of Virginia named Rob Cross. Rarely have...
Jason Lauritsen