Turning the Page (My Next Chapter)

My friend, Jason Seiden, years ago introduced me to the idea of thinking of your career (and life) as chapters in the story of our life. I love this metaphor. Every chapter has a purpose and also a beginning and an end.  And, each chapter sets a foundation for the...
4×4 Performance Management

4×4 Performance Management

One of the things I am most proud of from my corporate HR tour of duty happened during my last stop as an HR executive about six years ago. Before it was trendy to do so, we lead a process to kill the traditional annual performance management appraisal. I won’t...

How do you feel about it?

If you know me personally, subscribe to this blog, or we are Facebook friends, you know that my oldest son is a Marine.  He’s been a Marine now for over a year. Being the parent of a soldier is an experience that I don’t know you can really prepare for and...

What do you have wrong?

One of the best books I’ve found over the past year is Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant.  As an accused non-conformist, I dove into this book expecting to find validation and reinforcement that my brand of making waves was somehow the...

Being Interruptible

“Dad.  Dad.  Dad!” I remember this ritual with my dad when I was a kid.  Trying to get his attention drawn away from whatever he was doing. And, now, I’ve recognized my kids doing the same with me as they try to rattle me free from scanning something...
Jason Lauritsen