Transformation in Human Resources – Rule 3

In too many organizations, HR has become the “Department of No.”  We write the policies that box people in.  We create the guidelines the define what is appropriate and inappropriate at work.  We make sure managers tow the line of the law when it comes to...

Moments of Magic

It seems that lately, I’ve been experiencing moments where other people are providing me with the gift of an unexpected positive experience.  Last week, it was the flight attendant on my Delta flight home after a couple of long days of traveling who apparently...

Transformation in Human Resources – Rule 2

During my corporate HR career, I found the amount of information we prepared and pushed out to the organization to be overwhelming and, often, ridiculous.  We published HR newsletters, HR updates, and reports on all nature of things that were sent out regularly. Every...

Transformation of Human Resources – Rule 1

If you want transform human resources within your company as an HR leader, here’s a really powerful tool for you to use that can have major impact overnight. For everything you do, ask this question: How does this {process, procedure, action, initiative, project,...

The Word on Exit Interviews

Wasteful. A colleague recently asked my opinion on employee exit interviews.  I told him that I thought that they were a waste of time–one of those activities that HR departments spend a bunch of time on without understanding the why. There are a lot of reasons...
Jason Lauritsen