Yesterday, I shared my list of 8 Secrets to Career Success from a presentation I prepared for a young professinoals group at the bank.  At the end of the presentation, I offer one more recommendation, a “bonus secret” of sorts.  I call it the Turbo Charger because it will take everything you are doing in your career and make you better, faster, and stronger.  The Turbo Charger is reading.

As I spent time preparing this presentation, I thought a lot about my own learnings and mistakes.  I also thought about those people who I admired for what they had accomplished in their career.  The one thing that every one of those people has in common (to my knowledge at least) is that they are all avid readers.  Over the years, when I’ve met people who really impressed me, eventually our conversations nearly always turn to books.  So, there certainly seems to be something very significant about reading as it relates to success in your career.

Not only do I suggest reading as the turbo charger for success, I provide a list of books that I think form a tremendous foundation of information for anyone who’s itching for a breakthrough in their career.  Here’s the list:

  • How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie 
  • Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott 
  • Boom! 7 Choices for Blowing the Doors off Business as Usual by K. and J. Freiberg 
  • The Tipping Point by Malcolm Gladwell 
  • Freakonomics by Levitt and Dubner 
  • The Halo Effect: and the Eight Other Business Delusions the Deceive Managers by Phil Rosenzweig
Happy reading!
Jason Lauritsen