Managing = Caring

Managing = Caring

The longer I study and teach management, the simpler things become. For example, this week, I was again asked how managing a hybrid team is different than managing a team that is in the office full-time.  When someone asks this question, they are expecting me to share...

What will the future of work look like?

Over the past week, I’ve been asked twice what I think the future of work will look like. And while it’s always fun to speculate, here’s the truth.  There is no way to know with any precision what’s coming in the future. If there’s anything the past few years has...


We said our final goodbyes earlier this week to my grandma. After 93 years of life, her health had been failing recently, and she left us last week.   I was very close with my grandma and the loss hit me pretty hard. I actually wrote about my grandparents on my blog...
Embracing Discomfort

Embracing Discomfort

A few weeks ago, I took my youngest son on a ski weekend to Colorado.  Skiing is one of my favorite things to do and being able to share it with my son is purely joyful. But that’s not the point of sharing this story.   My son is new to skiing. This was only his...
Jason Lauritsen