The Power of a Plan

This is the time of year in most organizations where decisions are made that affect what will be done and what will be funded in the upcoming year. Learning to compete successfully for these resources can make or break your career. To win in the fight for support and...

Engagement starts with Expectations

In 1999, I saw the Blair Witch Project. It blew my mind. I thought it was brilliant. Going into the theater that night, I knew next to nothing about the movie. I had seen a couple of short television commercials for it, but that was it. I wasn’t sure exactly...

Turning the Page (My Next Chapter)

My friend, Jason Seiden, years ago introduced me to the idea of thinking of your career (and life) as chapters in the story of our life. I love this metaphor. Every chapter has a purpose and also a beginning and an end.  And, each chapter sets a foundation for the...

How do you feel about it?

If you know me personally, subscribe to this blog, or we are Facebook friends, you know that my oldest son is a Marine.  He’s been a Marine now for over a year. Being the parent of a soldier is an experience that I don’t know you can really prepare for and...

What do you have wrong?

One of the best books I’ve found over the past year is Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant.  As an accused non-conformist, I dove into this book expecting to find validation and reinforcement that my brand of making waves was somehow the...
Jason Lauritsen