Putting some Skin in the Game

Human Resources has become the red-headed step child of the business world.  It breaks my heart, but despite the fact that our role is to facilitate the management of the organziation’s most potent resource, we still aren’t taken seriously in far too many...

Taking the Long View

Last week, I wrote about letting go and the challenges inherent in that for me.  I got a number of really great responses to that post that indicated that I’m not the only one who has some struggles with letting go at times. One response, though, stopped me in...

Leaders should take Mulligans

Learning to be a leader can be hard.  A lot of us have had to learn the skills of leadership on the job.  We weren’t really trained to be a leader before we found ourselves in our first role that required us to lead.  We just had to get started. The complicated...

Letting Go

I’m struggling to learn a profound lesson in my work that clarity and control sometimes can’t be gained until you first let go.  My mentors and others keep pointing me towards this lesson, so I know it’s one of great significance.  But, this...

The Simple Answer to Employee Retention

We have a tendency to over complicate things when it comes to management. When I speak to groups about talent, a question that will often come up in Q&A is: “How can we retain the best people at our company?” This is a really important question.  Our...
Jason Lauritsen