There Is No Finish Line

There Is No Finish Line

Last week, my daughter ran her first cross country race. For those who aren’t familiar with cross country, at her age, it’s a mile and a half run in the “country” (i.e., on grass, through the trees, up and down hills, etc.). She’s new to running and had never run any...

Is a “Thank You” too much to ask?

I’m a fan of the This American Life podcast. I rarely miss an episode. In a recent episode titled “Essential,” they talk to a series of people whose jobs were deemed essential during the pandemic about how their experience working through COVID changed them. As I...

Are we okay?

At least in some places (like where I live in Nebraska), it can be easy to forget that we are still trying to escape a pandemic. We are all anxious and ready to move on and move forward. I know I am. But in our fervor to get back in action, we need to remember that...

How to Quickly Build Connection

In 2012, I published my first book, Social Gravity, with my coauthor and long-time BFF, Joe Gerstandt. We wrote the book to share what we had learned about the importance of networks and relationships to achieve important things in your life. Joe and I met while...
Jason Lauritsen