I need a favor–two favors actually. I am leading a research project to investigate employee and manager feelings about the effectiveness of employee surveys, specifically employee engagement surveys. And, I know that if you’ve ever been a part of one of these surveys, you have an opinion.
Will you please take 2 minutes to share your opinion with us? It really only takes a couple minutes and your participation is incredibly important.
That’s the first favor. My second favor is to ask that you share this request with your network as well. I don’t ask for much, but I am asking these favors. I can’t make this work without your help. Thank you for considering it.
As an added bonus, if you are curious about the results, you can provide your email address at the end of the very short survey and we will email you a copy of the survey results when they are ready.
By the way, yes, I recognize the irony of doing a survey about surveys. It’s funny, but it’s the best way to collect this kind of data so we did it anyway. Mock me if you must.
Thank you for your help.