The Blindspot in Employee Engagement

A couple years ago, as my wife and I were returning home from an employee engagement conference where I had spoken, she said something to me that I didn’t fully understand at the time. I remember it sounding something like this. “The content here was good,...
4×4 Performance Management

4×4 Performance Management

One of the things I am most proud of from my corporate HR tour of duty happened during my last stop as an HR executive about six years ago. Before it was trendy to do so, we lead a process to kill the traditional annual performance management appraisal. I won’t...

What Would You Wish For?

Last night, my son was watching a TV show where the storyline apparently included a genie being released from a lamp to grant three wishes.  After a few minutes, he asked me, “What would you do if you were granted three wishes?  What would you wish for?”...
Jason Lauritsen