On May 16, 2010, I launched this blog.  Over the past 2 years and 4 months, I’ve posted 220 blog posts.  In the past year, I’ve been committed to writing at least 3 blog posts per week.  That means I’m constantly thinking about topics to write about, trying to find an angle to explore that might be a compelling read.

As a result of all this blogging, my blog has readership has grown.  My posts get retweeted more all the time.  I get positive feedback on my writing.  People reach out on occasion and want me to write with them or to write about them.  Recently, I even made a list due to my blog and how I promote it.  All of that feels good.

But, there’s a problem.

When I launched this blog, I was a corporate human resources executive.  I launched the blog as a place to outlet some of my ideas and thoughts about HR and leadership because it wasn’t healthy to unleash all of that creative energy at work.  The blog was therapeutic for me.  It reminded me that even on the days that I was meeting great resistance at work, there was an audience for big ideas in the HR community.  My blog helped keep me sane when I was in corporate HR.

The other reason I began blogging was to improve my writing skills.  I wanted to learn to write more effectively and efficiently.  And, the only way to get better at anything involves practice–lots of it.  So, I blogged.

Along the way, my reality changed.

Life has changed a lot for me since May 16, 2010.  I’m no longer in corporate HR.  In late May 2011, I made a leap of faith in my career.  I went all in on my calling and become a full time consultant and speaker.  I no longer need an outlet for my progressive ideas because my business is built around helping people and organizations do the very things I once blogged about.   In terms of writing, I feel as though I’ve refined my skills a lot.  I even published a book earlier this year, so I think I can consider the writing skill development box checked (at least for my expectations).

Last week, I had a realization as a result of a conversation with a mentor.  Blogging isn’t my business.   In fact,  blogging is getting in the way of my actual business.  Every day, I spend time cultivating ideas for the blog.  I scan the world looking for blog post ideas rather than noticing opportunities to create a business opportunity or conversation that might lead to a new client.

As an entrepreneur, my time is the most important resource I have to invest.  And my family is depending on me to use my time in the best possible way to earn business to pay the bills and create our future.  While my blog has brought me some great new relationships and some very nice recognition over time, I have never gotten an inquiry about either my consulting or speaking as a direct result of a blog post.  It’s time for an adjustment.

Why write this blog post?  

First, I really appreciate and respect you for taking the time to read my blog.  Some of you read regularly and I am humbled by that.  Since I’m a believer in transparency and authenticity, I wanted to share up front why there will be less posting going on here.  I enjoy writing and blogging, but I have to be more disciplined about my time which means less blogging.  I am not going to stop entirely, but it boils down to less quantity, more quality.  And that means more time focused on my current and future clients.   No more blog posting goals for me.

Second, it could be that the reason people haven’t inquired about doing business with me because I haven’t offered up a good invitation to do so.  Well, here it is.  In terms of consulting, I help organizations make the strategic side of HR work better.  My specific expertise is talent strategy.  I am great at helping assess and design processes that have the most significant impact on how to get people aligned around producing great results.  I’m also a damn good speaker and facilitator.  Team building, leadership retreats, decision making or strategic planning meetings are all areas where I can help.  If nothing else, I’d love to have a conversation with you about what I do so that I might be able to earn your business (or partnership) when the opportunity arises.  If you are interested, let’s talk.  My email is [email protected] and my cell number is 402.651.4148.

So, it’s time for me to get to work.  Thanks for your support as I live out my entrepreneurial dreams.


Jason Lauritsen