Note: I’m writing a note of gratitude on the blog each day in November leading up to the Thanksgiving holiday. My hope is that these posts will inspire you to do the same. Write an email, Facebook post, or a text to tell people they have made an impact on you. Gratitude is contagious. 

We live in interesting times. As someone who identifies as a feminist, I’ve felt compelled over the past year to grow more quickly as an advocate for women and also to play a role in helping other men grow and evolve as well.

One of the things I decided to do earlier this year was to host a webcast conversation with a female colleague to discuss gender issues in the workplace. My hope was that if I could find the right guest for the webcast, we could model how to have a meaningful conversation across the gender divide about the issues that are hard to talk about.

As I considered who I wanted to have with me for that conversation, at the top of my list was my friend, Heather Bussing.

Heather is an attorney, writer, and photographer. I’ve known Heather for several years and I knew she would be a great partner for this discussion.

Heather is one of the most honest and authentic humans I’ve had the privilege to meet. She’s traveled quite a journey both personally and professionally in her life. She shares openly of the stories she’s lived as a way to help others learn through her experience.

She doesn’t hide. And, I knew she wouldn’t let me hide either.

Thankfully, she said yes and we recorded the webcast together. Like any conversation of any substance, it wasn’t perfect, but it helped me learn and grow. And, I hope it did the same for at least a few others.

You can view the webcast recording here. 

I’m grateful to have someone like heather Heather in my life who will dive into any big, tough subject with both a point of view and an open mind. I’ve learned so much from her over the years.

Heather, thank you for being you and for being my friend. Thank you for your authenticity, courage, and vulnerability. Your wisdom and kindness have had an enormous impact on me. I’m so glad you said yes to doing the webcast with me this year and I look forward to all future conversations. You are a gift. 

Jason Lauritsen