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I was reminded again yesterday how hard it can be at times to stand alone as the lone voice for change in a sea of people who would rather preserve the status quo. As I shared lunch with one of my former colleagues who is a brilliant young HR star, it hurt me to hear her talk about the dysfunction she can see within her organization and how she feels like she’s the only one who either cares or has the courage to talk about it. She’s becoming more jaded and cynical by the day. And, she’s beginning to question herself. After all, when you are the only one who seems to see the dysfunction, maybe you are the problem, not the things you see, right?
If you are passionate about your job and your care deeply about helping your organization succeed, you are going to recognize ways your company should change for the better. You will see the things that should be fixed. You will want to take action. And, you are likely to be alone in your quest, at least early on.
Sadly,too many people around you have either lost hope of change or have decided that maintaining the status quo is the best way to survive and get ahead. Others are a product of the current way of doing things, so driving change would actually be an act against their self-interest. So, you are likely to feel like you are all alone as the person who sees the need for change. After a while, you might even start wondering if you are the crazy one.
You aren’t crazy.
Being a change agent is hard. Speaking the truth is hard. Being the outlier is hard.
Do it anyway.
In my experience, the key to being a change agent and sustaining your passion for progress is having that one trusted person in your life who will say these key words to you when you most need it:
“Your not crazy. It’s them, not you. Keep up the fight.”
Great message. This will resonate.
Thanks Chris.
Hi Jason, maybe it's the approach you are using. My boss used to say "even if you are right, don't put a rat in a corner". People in general are afraid, especially now, no one wants to lose there job, but if you can introduce in a way that isn't intimidating and let them know what benefits them by the change, that could be a better way to show your wonderful ideas.
I think that it's a great observation, Janet. But, I would say that approach isn't generally the problem. It's the motivation to keep going when the winds of resistance blow strongly in your face. People don't like change, regardless of approach, so being in the change business is hard work–regardless of how you do it.
That being said, you are absolutely right there are certainly better ways of influencing and driving change than others. But, all of them are tiring over the long haul and it's important to have those people in your life who inspire you to keep going.