How to Have Effective Check-in Conversations

How to Have Effective Check-in Conversations

It was my birthday and I was craving some time with my kids. In a brazen attempt to pry my kids away from their technology, I offered a trip to Dairy Queen for some ice cream. My hope was, once they were a captive audience in the car, we’d be able to chat a bit. But...
What Baggage are you Carrying into 2023?

What Baggage are you Carrying into 2023?

Like so many others, I decided to take some time off between Christmas and New Years.  My goal was to largely put work aside to rest up, spend time with my family, and reconnect with some friends.  The first few days went pretty well due to all of the great...

Why we need to kill the dress code

Perhaps the simplest and most potent management advice I have to offer is this. Treat people like responsible adults. Sadly, the legacy of traditional management practices we inherited doesn’t always do this. Case in point: the dress code. For most of my career,...
Jason Lauritsen