Why we need to kill the dress code

Perhaps the simplest and most potent management advice I have to offer is this. Treat people like responsible adults. Sadly, the legacy of traditional management practices we inherited doesn’t always do this. Case in point: the dress code. For most of my career,...

How to Make Work Suck Less

My recent video about Quiet Quitting generated a lot of reaction. Reading through the comments, I was reminded of a sad reality. Work still sucks for a lot of people. If you look at any article or video online about Quiet Quitting, you find the same thing–a...

Quiet Quitting is NOT the Problem

Is it just me or does it seem like references to “quiet quitting” are everywhere all of a sudden? Thanks, TikTok. Last year, it was people posting their resignations to TikTok (also known as “for real quitting”). Now it’s quiet quitting. But what is it? Is it...
Jason Lauritsen