Lately, I’ve have a lot of signals telling me that I need to figure out how to use video in my work.  First, it was a session by Johnny Campbell and his Social Talent team at #TruLondon talking about creating viral videos.  I’m not sure I will ever create a viral video, but the message was clear–video is huge and very important in the emerging new media landscape.  

I’ve not done much in video yet because I’m not very good at it.  But, then a recent Seth Godin blog post reminded me that the only way to get good at something is to do it, a lot.  So, I’m throwing my hat into the world of video.  My video blogs will be less than 90 seconds in length as I know you don’t have all day.
Here we go.  I welcome any comments or feedback, good or bad.  It will help me learn to suck less at this.  
Jason Lauritsen