by Jason Lauritsen | Mar 19, 2021 | Management, Performance
The past year forced a lot of changes in the way work happens. When, where, and how we work was disrupted in a way that we’ve never seen before. Organizations have adapted in some pretty compelling ways. Safety was made a top priority through changes to the physical...
by Jason Lauritsen | Oct 19, 2018 | Management, Performance, Workplace
I’ve spent a large part of the last year writing a book about performance management and here’s what I’ll tell you— performance management sucks. One of the big questions I wrestled with was “how did we get this so wrong?” That...
by Jason Lauritsen | Feb 16, 2017 | Management, Relationships, Workplace
One of the advantages of moving jobs frequently early in your career (like I did) is that you get to experience a lot of different workplaces and management styles. A few of my first couple of jobs out of college were case studies in bad management. I had the “I...
by Jason Lauritsen | Oct 12, 2016 | Workplace, Management, Performance
One of the things I am most proud of from my corporate HR tour of duty happened during my last stop as an HR executive about six years ago. Before it was trendy to do so, we lead a process to kill the traditional annual performance management appraisal. I won’t...