by Jason Lauritsen | Mar 19, 2021 | Management, Performance
The past year forced a lot of changes in the way work happens. When, where, and how we work was disrupted in a way that we’ve never seen before. Organizations have adapted in some pretty compelling ways. Safety was made a top priority through changes to the physical...
by Jason Lauritsen | Oct 19, 2018 | Management, Performance, Workplace
I’ve spent a large part of the last year writing a book about performance management and here’s what I’ll tell you— performance management sucks. One of the big questions I wrestled with was “how did we get this so wrong?” That...
by Jason Lauritsen | Feb 16, 2017 | Management, Relationships, Workplace
One of the advantages of moving jobs frequently early in your career (like I did) is that you get to experience a lot of different workplaces and management styles. A few of my first couple of jobs out of college were case studies in bad management. I had the “I...