[Video] Should We Still Be Shaking Hands?

[Video] Should We Still Be Shaking Hands?

I don’t know about you, but as more people get vaccinated, the world seems determined to make its way back to normal. In some ways, this is comforting. But I’m feeling a little unsettled. Amidst the terribleness of the pandemic, we were forced to stop and...
A Great Tool for Creating Clear Expectations

A Great Tool for Creating Clear Expectations

In my last post, I shared a story of the consequences that can occur when we aren’t clear on expectations within our work relationships.  Having clarity within any relationship is vital, and it’s something that we all too often leave to chance.  I also encouraged you...

How Do You Repair Your Relationships?

Among all the skills that are important to building great relationships, one of the most important is repair. It’s also one of the most overlooked. I wouldn’t be surprised if you’ve never thought of repair as a relationship skill. I don’t know...
Jason Lauritsen