by Jason Lauritsen | Dec 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
Given where we find ourselves at the end of 2020, it’s not surprising that one of the biggest concerns being discussed by managers and leaders everywhere is employee productivity. Whether your work requires you to be face-to-face with customers or patients or it...
by Jason Lauritsen | Nov 20, 2020 | Uncategorized
For those of you who aren’t Game of Thrones fans, this title probably seems silly to you. An observation like this certainly isn’t going to earn me a job as a meteorologist any time soon. But, if you are a GoT fan, you know these three words represent a warning. When...
by Jason Lauritsen | Sep 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
The honeymoon is over. That’s actually both a terrible and perfect way to describe where we are right now. The past six months haven’t felt anything like a honeymoon, but they may end up feeling that way in hindsight someday. When everything changed in the spring, we...
by Jason Lauritsen | Sep 9, 2020 | Uncategorized
About two weeks ago, I wrote about my realization that I was suffering from burnout. The response to the post was both affirming and concerning. Affirmation came in the form of messages and comments signifying I wasn’t alone. Others saw themselves in my situation....
by Jason Lauritsen | Aug 28, 2020 | Uncategorized
I originally wrote this post for my friends at Workhuman. I asked their permission to share it here as well because I thought you might find it valuable. If you’d like to view the original post, you can find it...
by Jason Lauritsen | Aug 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
I thought I was doing pretty well. When our lives (and my business) got turned upside down in March, I hunkered down. I’ve been through some tough times before, so I knew that I could survive whatever was to come. My wife and I figured out the “school from home” mess...