The holidays are a time for giving and generosity. It’s a time for love.

But, if your life is anything like mine, the giving and generosity quickly turns into a shopping list and seemingly endless errands to run.

The holiday season starts with such promise and hope, then the vortex swallows us up. And suddenly, it’s January.

I’d like to challenge you to make this year different.

One of the greatest gifts we can give another person is acknowledgment. One short note from someone letting me know that I made a difference for them can fuel me for a year.  Acknowledgment is rocket fuel.

We have a deep need as humans to be seen and appreciated. To do so for someone else is to give one of the most powerful gifts.

This won’t cost you anything but could be invaluable to those who receive it.

  • Who made an impact on your life this year? Tell them how.
  • Who inspired you? Tell them why.
  • Who loved you? Make sure they know love them too.
  • Who lifted you up? Tell them and thank them.
  • Who impressed you? Shine a light on what they did.

Write notes. Make phone calls. Send texts. Post on Facebook walls.

Give back to the people who have given to you. This little gift may change someone’s life.

Will you join me in giving the gift of acknowledgment?

Happy holidays!

Jason Lauritsen