I’ve been doing a lot of introspection over the past several months.  Making the transition from a corporate HR executive to HR Consultant and speaker requires some pretty serious mindset shifts. Through this process, one question keeps coming up for me to focus on and wrestle with. 

“What makes you different from everyone else?”
This is a really important question when you are trying to sell your services to others.  But, it’s also a critical question to consider as a professional in any field (we are all selling our services whether we recognize it or not).  It is the answer to this question to makes us stand out, that differentiates us from the person in the office or cubicle next to us.
Where this question gets really important is when you consider the gap between how others would answer this question about your (their perception of your uniqueness) and how you actually intend to stand out (your aspirations and intentions).  Bringing these two things into alignment goes a long way towards helping you find your way to the job of your dreams.  
To really excel within any career, it’s important to wrestle with this question.  Not once, but with regularity over the years. Standing out is what makes you memorable.  
Be memorable.  
Jason Lauritsen